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nutrient indomie instant noodles mie goreng

Indomie mie goreng

 Indomie fried noodle is food products from indonesia, namely pt.indofood. indomie fried noodle is a product that many youngsters like favorite especially those asia have even many european countries,Australia,and africa, addicted to the this product.
Instant noodles can be foun
d in the supermarket on the pasta and rice, or at shops and wholesale in the Asia-Pacific region and supermarket network other local. Fried noodle available in the countries that have Asian populations most, such as Australia. This school also popular in the countries of Persian Gulf as Qatar, and began to enter United States.
Every packaging Fried noodle Plus Special weight profit/subtracted 85g, and contains 2 spices sachets, which consists of spices in the form of "powder" and "liquid".  Sachets first is divided into 3 parts that consists of: sweet soy sauce, chili sauce and oil spices. Sachets both is divided into 2: the powder and fried onion.
The following variations indomie fried noodle, click see about product

Mi Goreng Spesial
Mi Goreng Spesial Plus
Mi Goreng Cabe Ijo
Mi Goreng Pedas
Mi Goreng Iga Penyet
Mi Goreng Rendang
Mi Goreng Sate


nutrient content of indomie instant noodles mie goreng

Jumlah Sajian per Kemasan: 1
Takaran Saji: Sekitar 170g.
Jumlah per sajian
Energi: 1620kJ (390Cal)
Protein: 8g
Lemak Total: 17g
Lemak Jenuh: 11g
Kolesterol: 0mg
Karbohidrat: 52g
Gula: 8,5g
Natrium: 830mg

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