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nutrient content of mie sedap

Nutrient content of mie sedap

MIE SEDAP is instant noodles from Indonesia. in Indonesia mie sedapare in demand because many people who like the taste. other than mie sedap in I ndonesia is also a lot of instant noodles in the favorite by many countries such as the countries of Europe, America, Africa.
mie sedap are excellent products, in addition to good taste too good nutritional content. The following nutrient content in fried mie sedap


nutriont informationper 1 porsi (91 g)
Energy1715 kj
410 kkal
Lemak16 g
saturated fat8 g
colestrol0 mg
Protein8 g
carbohydrate58 g
fiber8 g
suger7 g

of AKG*
(410 kal)
20% AKG
Rincian Kalori:
carbohydrate (57%)
fat (35%)
Protein (8%)
*Based on AKG dari 2000 kalori

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